What is Body, Mind, Create?
Body, Mind, Create is a combination of my love for psychology, my love for the physical arts like yoga, dance, and Pilates, and my love for the creative arts like writing, painting, and interior design.
My teaching style is rooted in compassion and mindfulness. I emphasize breath awareness, proper alignment, and mindful movement to cultivate strength, flexibility, and an inner tranquility that allows acceptance of self to take place.​​
Road to Recovery
Yoga gave me my life back. As an older sister of a single mom, I didn't know what balance or my authentic self even looked like… After battling with my own mental health, I knew I liked doing things that made me feel good, I knew before I became a big sister or influenced by the world around me, I loved gymnastics. I knew I could write if I couldn't express myself verbally. I knew I loved all mediums in art but rarely made time for myself to excel in any of it. I knew that left a void I yearned to fill. I tried to fill it with every vice I could access. It wasn't until I realized my practicing yoga is exactly what has and continues to given me that life. That it had the capacity to fill that void, quiet the noise… I found that I could apply the philosophy and practice of yoga to everything I chose to do in life.. I hope only to be able to share the miracle yoga has been on my road to self-compassion and mental health recovery.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.
(216) 202- 0528